How is T REX minted?
The minting process is divided into two stages. The first (free) is the pre-sale, in which holders of our NFTs from previous collections participate, as well as those who were whitelisted during the lotteries. The second (paid) phase is public minting, open to all who wish to participate.
How many NFT can I mint per purse?
You can mint up to 3 NFT per purse.
How many NFT can be minted in total?
A total of 5000 NFT of THE MULTIVERSE T REX have been created.
Can I mint several NFT at the same time?
Yes, you can mint all THE MULTIVERSE T REX NFTs available at the same time. During public minting, the maximum quantity is set at 3 NFT.
Does minting a large number of NFTs at the same time save on the gas rate?
Yes, in terms of cost-effectiveness, minting a large number of NFTs at the same time is much more advantageous than minting them individually, as the gas rates for a batch minting are almost the same as for minting a single NFT.
On what days and at what time is the gas rate for minting lowest?
The most profitable days in terms of gas rates are Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, with the most advantageous time being between 4:00 UTC – 8:00 UTC, which corresponds to the morning in Europe and the afternoon in America.
Are there any advantages and bonuses for NFT owners?
Of course. Whitelisting during the minting of future collections, a lifetime discount on our merchandising, access to upcoming WEB3 projects and many other advantages in the future.
where can i buy my nft t rex?
You can buy your NFT T REX on the OPEN SEA PLATFORM in a 100% SECURE way.
how do i know it's not a t rex multiverse scam?
There were four requirements to coin in the sale:
Vendors claiming to participate in a project and tagging people in a post with a link.
Impostors who send direct messages to people’s links.
Fake phishing support accounts for seed phrases.
Fake Airdrops that look legitimate, but direct people to a fraudulent website.
Impostor Discord servers
Fake giveaways asking for personal information, including a seed phrase.
The official Twitter account is THE MULTIVERSE T REX and the official discord is MTRX. You will also see ads posted from , and , as well as on discord at .
Please do not reply or click on anything from other accounts, tags, direct messages, emails , air typing, carrier pigeons or anyone else. Founders and mods will not tag you or send text messages. And never enter your seed phrase.
Basically, if it seems too good to be true or doesn’t come from official accounts, it’s a red flag.